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News from the Braig's
The Best is yet to come !!!!!
HEIDI-with the Big Cats
         how lucky can you get....

Heidi... inside the " Ammann House " in Mt. Kenya, where  * Savannah * a tame Cheetah is the KING....at Mt. Kenya, Kenya .... East - Africa


Heidi... playing with tame Cheetah ** SAVANNAH **at Mt. Kenya, Kenya...

East- Africa

Heidi.... playing with tame Cheetah " Savannah " at. Mt. Kenya... Kenya, East-Africa

















and the LION get's closer and closer  @ " Tshukudu "  South Africa


















Heidi....with a " young LION ' during a Morning Walk in the bush, @ Tshukudu, South Africa...

Heidi... is cuddling a two months old LION CUB in Sun City, South Africa


   Heidi...is cuddling  a two         months old LION CUB , in    Sun City...South Africa









































Heidi....  with a tame Cheetah , taking a stroll @ " Otjitotongwe ".... in  beautiful Namibia...........


























Heidi.... with a 4 months old Cheetah Cub @   *Armani " ( meaning Peace & Harmony )  in beautiful NAMIBIA

























Heidi.... with the very rare & seldom seen " KING CHEETAH " @ De Wildt... South Africa




















  Heidi.... with a ** Giant PANDA **  in Chengdu,  China



















Getting to know... Black Rhino  ★ Morani ★  at Sweetwater, in northern Kenya







at the  " Koala Park Sanctuary " in Sydney Australia... October 1999 ..Heidi ...petting a Koala Bear

Heidi,  petting a tame Cheetah @ Hammerstein "...Namibia